Fritz Liedtke Fine Art

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National Geographic Features Astra Velum

I think it must be every photographer's dream to have their work featured by National Geographic.  And that dream came true for me this week.National Geographic recently contacted me, asking for in interview about my work. We had a great conversation about the genesis of this project, how I tend to work, the art of making photogravures, and more.  The result is today's feature on their website: an article about my series Astra Velum, and the thought and process behind it.

My favorite part? The comments on their blog about the work. This one from Abigail pretty much sums them up:

I’ve always been shy because of my freckles – I have them all over my face, arms, shoulders and back. When I was young they were much darker and obvious, I’ve been teased and bullied so many times. Thank you for making me feel less self-conscious about them!

This kind of response makes my work that much more rewarding. It's one thing to make work that I enjoy creating; it's quite another to see it make a positive impact in the world.